Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weekend wrap-up

This morning I again woke up at 5am after a little more than 6 hours of sleep. It may have been closer to 7 hours actually. I had a small bowl of cereal and half an apple. Then I stayed awake for a little longer than usual. It was probably closer to an hour or more before I laid down again.

Because of these things I think I had a little harder time getting into the near-sleep state:

-A little more sleep than usual: I felt more rested than I did on previous attempts. The goal here is to catch myself in between sleep cycles but I may have just caught myself a little too well rested perhaps
- Food: I hear that apples have a lot of sugar and can spike your insulin levels. This may have been a possible problem today.
-Stayed awake for too long: By the time I laid down again I was pretty damn awake. While laying there trying to focus on energy work and energy body loosening, my mind was drifting heavily toward physical-reality concerns. This made it pretty tough to move toward the state I am looking for.

Well, after what felt like a long time of laying there I did catch myself in the state and started bringing on the exit sensations. For some reason though I said something aloud in my mind as I started to "move down into myself" (that's the best description I have at the moment for what it feels like). I said something like, "here we go" or "this is easy" or something and that snapped me out of the state and I had a hard time getting back there again before I fell asleep.

I did learn from this nonetheless. While laying there in the state that I did NOT want to be in, I was able to contrast the waking-life consciousness from the near-sleep or trance-state consciousness. It really is much like a tuning dial on a radio. The near-sleep state is much more focused inward, while in normal waking consciousness your focus goes outward toward all the zillion things in the world. Little hard to describe.

Well, the weekend is near over and I'm very happy with what I've learned. I got to see a lot of friends and family, and also got to go to a kickass college football rivalry game (FSU vs UF) and my team won! Hopefully during the week I'll have some time to try OBE. Maybe I should start working on night-projection. We shall see.

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